Hello guys its been many days posting a rom or writing a post.Im very busy these days so im unable to do so.As many people are asking for custom roms for Gionee SPlus we are finally with it here.HIOS rom in now available for our customers.This is hard work of our developers.So please do consider us by sharing our site and if u have any problem feel free to comment at the bottom.Ok lets get started about the ROM.
ROM Chipset:MT6753
ROM KERNEL:3.18.19
Rom Version:Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Features OF The Rom:
- New & Unique UI
- Deodexed
- Pre-Rooted
- Gapps include
- Language : Ro / En / Fr / Ki / Or / Ch / Ar
BUGS:Camera[We will provide fix for it soon]
- Download the ROM from the link above
- Put the zip files on your SDCard
- Reboot in Recovery
- Perform Wipe All Preflash (system, cache, data, dalvik)
- Select “Install zip from SDCard” Choose ROM zip file
- Flash
- Wipe Cache & Dalvik Cache
- Reboot system